Final Fantasy
The world of Final Fantasy first created by the wonderous JPRG company Square Soft no Square Enix, has developed dozens of games that have been in the world of Final Fantasy. Although many of these titles share the same title name, very few of them exist in the same world. Here in the Final Fantasy Tabletop Roleplaying Game (FFTTRPG) these worlds will cross over with one another. Here you can create any of your favorite characters or create your very own to exist in the World of Final Fantasy. The system is based on a d1oo system or Percentile Dice System. Where success on a dice means rolling equal to or below the designated number. Below are the basic rules to play the game and for GMs to create their own games. Look for other sections in this category for additional information such as races, classes, items etc.
Stats are numerical representations of your characters and enemies abilities. Stats are used to determine the results of actions enemies and your characters take. Your base stats are determined by your chosen class.
HP is the amount of damage a character can receive. When a character's HP falls down to 0 or below, that character gets incapacitated and will be unable to act until the character gets resurrected.
Strength (Str)
Strength modifies the amount of damage the character deals. The damage will be reduced by the enemy's vitality.
Vitality (Vit)
Vitality, most commonly known in other games as defense. Vitality modifies the amount of damage you recieve. The more Vitality you have, the less damage you take.
Potency (Pot)
Potency modifies the amount of damage your spells deal to the enemy.
Spirit (Spr)
Spirit is the equivalent of Vitality but it works for magic. The higher your spirit, the lower magic damage you receive.
Speed (Spd)
Speed modifies the Action Time Battle system (ATB). The higher your speed, the faster your characters can take action.
Evasion (Eva)
Evasion increases the chance of your characters dodging an attack. Cannot be higher then your level.
Intellect (Int)
Intellect increases the chance of your problem solving and critical thinking.
Hit increases the chance of your physical attacks hitting the enemy.
Magic (Mag)
Magic increases the chance of your magical attacks hitting the enemy.
Luck modifies several attributes of a character. It further increases the chance of your character hitting the enemy, it also increases the chance of dodging enemy attacks. It increases these both by an amount equal to half your Luck rounded down. But its main effect is your chances of a critical hit. Rolling equal to or below and successfully hitting causes you to critically hit. Cannot be higher then your level.
Modifying Stats
There are multiple ways to modify your stats. Weapons, items, magic and abilities can both increase and decrease your stats. These items don't permanently change your base stats (unless otherwise stated). When your character levels up, you may have an opportunity to increase the base value of your stats. Doing this is a permanent change to your base stats. Stats cannot go below 0.
Bonus Number (BN)
A term you will see in almost every section in the game. This refers to the number left over after dropping the number in the ones place for your Stats. Ex. if your Strength is 59, your STR Bonus Number is 5. If your Speed is 82, your SPD Bonus Number is 8. If your Magic is 125, your MAG Bonus Number is 12. These Bonus Numbers (BN) have effects on damage, defense, spells, actions etc.
Skills are what your character is capable of achieving. Each skill has a Stat that is allocated to it. If you are not trained in one of the skills below, you roll against your Base Stat. If you are trained in the stat, you gain a -5 bonus to your roll and if you have Expert Training in the skill, you then get -10 to the roll instead. To see a full list of skills check out the FF Skills section.
Contested Skills
There won't be many occasions where two or more characters can contest one anothers checks. Though this is a limited occurance it can happen. When doing so, the defending character rolls first, if they succeed, then the opposing character then rolls. If the defending character fails, then the opposing character doesn't need to roll because the contest has already been decided. If both succeed, then the individual with the higher Base Stat used is considered the victor.
Zidane is playing hide and seek with Vivi. Vivi makes a Hide check. If Vivi fails, then Zidane will spot him. If Vivi succeeds, then Zidane must make an Awareness check. If Zidane fails, then he cannot find Vivi. If Zidane succeeds, then they both need to compare their Base Stat to see which is higher. Vivi's Hide is Intellect (73) + Evasion (8) for a total of 81. Zidane's Awareness is Hit (80). Vivi wins the contested battle because his score is higher and is successfully hidden from Zidane.
Note: This only becomes a contested check because Zidane is actively looking for Vivi and Vivi is actively hiding from Zidane. If Vivi is actively hiding, but Zidane is just walking around or on patrol not actively looking for a hidden creature, it is not considered a Contested Check. In this situation, only Vivi makes the skill check.
Action Time Battle (ATB)
This is in what turn order each character goes. This can change as the battle flows. Your Speed determines how fast you take turns and how many turns you can take in a round. Your Speed Bonus Number determines how many actions per round you can perform. Actions are determined on a team by team basis. Meaning one team goes and can take one Turn each (See Combat). Once they do, it swaps to the next team in which they take their Turn. Once every team has gone, it returns back to the first team. The order in which the teams go depend on the total Speed of its top 3 fastest members or if they have a Surprise Attack or Back Attack. If a character has no actions left to use on their teams turn, they take no action and must wait for all actions to be taken. When all actions have been taken by all teams the round ends. The next round then begins and all actions are restored to their maximum if able. Things like Slow, Sleep, Stop etc can adjust a Characters Speed value. If so this will also adjust the number of their maximum actions by the new value. On their teams turn, Characters can choose the order of their Turns and can change them as each Turn unfolds.
These are what a character can do each Turn. An action is something quick and takes only 4-6 seconds of time to perform. There are several actions that can be taken. Below is a list of common actions taken.
Attack Action: Used to make a Physical Attack against a target.
Magic Action: Used to cast a Magic Spell
Summon Action: Used to Summon creatures
Item Action: Used to use an item.
Assist Action: Used to give a +5 on an action to succeed.
Skill Action: Used to perform a Skill.
Dash Action: Used to move an additional number of feet equal to your movement.
Traveling can be done by walking, running, swimming, climbing or flying. The distance you can travel is dependent on your Speed. You can travel a number of miles an hour equal to half of the your Speed Bonus Number (rounded down). Moving at a faster pace ie running, you can move 1.5x as far though you cannot move silently and get a -20 on Awareness checks.
There are other modes of transportation such as but not limited to bikes, cars, ships, planes and space shuttles. These have their own Speed values. Check the Vehicles section for these. Keep in mind that these methods of transportation will require training to use them. You can travel/pilot a number of hours equal to your Vitality Bonus Number.
If you wish to push yourself beyond this travel time, you must make a Vitality check. On a success, you can travel for another hour without penalty. If you fail, you get one level of Tiredness even if you decide not to travel. Whether you succeed or fail, you get a stacking -10 on future Vitality checks to travel until you fully rest.
Carrying Weight
This is the amount of weight you can hold while still being able to move and attack without any hinderance. This is calculated as 5 times your Strength. If you go above this you get a -10 on all checks. Though this isn't your full strength as you can push, drag and lift up to 8 times your Strength.
Sleep is important and helps you regain your missing HP. When you take a rest and sleep for at least 6 hours, your HP is restored to full and any temporary effects are removed even if they were converted to Permanent ones. Additionally, you remove a number of levels of Tiredness equal to half your Spirit Bonus Number (rounded down min. 1). Sleeping in a bed at an Inn, Hotel, House or other similar room will also restore your MP. If a Character is KO'd or dead, they cannot recover HP/MP in this manner. Pushing beyond your sleep follows the same rules as pushing yourself beyond normal travel. You make these checks if you have not slept in the last 24 hours.
This happens to all creatures whether human or non-human. Straining yourself whether physically, spiritually, magically or mentally can grant levels of Tiredness. With each level of Tiredness you get a staking -10 to all your Maximum Stats. If your Vitality reaches 0 in this way, your character will die.
KO'd & Death
There is a difference between being Knocked Out and Dieing. When a character's HP is reduced to 0 by any means, they are considered KO'd. A character that has been KO'd does not die, but cannot regain any HP. Items, Magic or Abilities can be used to bring back a character from being KO'd.
Death is a permanent thing and under most circumstances characters cannot be brought back to life. This can be confusing on some things being used that have Death in the name. These things will likely say the target is KO'd rather then being killed. Example, the magic Doom casts Death on a target. This is confusing as the target doesn't die, but instead is KO'd. This will state it in the description of the Magic being used.
Death comes from certain conditions being met, such as but not limited to, all allies being KO'd, Vitiality being reduced to 0, special Items, Abilities, Magic or Weapons.
Limit Breaks
Limit Breaks are special actions that can be taken by a Character. Every Character has a special Limit Break that they use depending on their chosen Class. Some require you to take a certain amount of damage, while others require you to be at a certain HP threshold. On most cases, these Limit Breaks cannot be evaded or resisted. There are some that can though, so read each carefully.
Food & Water
Food and Water are a small portion of this system. You must eat a sutiable meal at least twie a day and drink a bottle of water at least twice a day. GMs can use their own judgement on this if a character has consumed enough food and water for the day. If not, they gain 1 level of Tiredness that cannot be removed until they consume food or water depending on what they didn't have.